
Course Description

This course will examine the art of the first half of the twentieth century.  We will consider the works studies within their relevant political and cultural contexts. Topics addressed will include the rise of abstraction, the liberation of color, the interest in the subconscious.  We will begin with precedents to Modernism in the 19th Century and will conclude with WWII.  Additionally, students will learn methods of art historical research and develop skills of visual analysis.

Contact Information

Malka Simon

[email protected]

5109 Boylan Hall

Office Hours: Thursdays 12:30-1:30; other times by appointment

Unless otherwise noted, the OER Art 3066 Modern Art, was curated by Professor Malka Simon for Brooklyn College in June 2019, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. [Detailed license and acknowledgements]